Client: Tech retail chain
Agency: Dalziel & Pow โ†’

Helping a tech retail company to launch the biggest tech flagship in their country.

Clientโ€™s background.

The client is a biggest tech retail chain in a middle eastern country. They have been around for a really long time and operate all over their home country.

Business problem

They came to us as they have recently started feeling pressure from big international chains that flooded their market.

They needed help with differentiation and their unique selling point to become leaders in their own country again.


We wanted to make sure that we saw the market and their brand from a localโ€™s perspective. So we devised a plan to do both primary and secondary research to understand their customers, their competition and their company from the eyes of the local.

From our research the main USPs became clear to us.
They already had an extremely popular instalment payment plan, that constituted a huge chunk of their sales; they covered the biggest geographical area; they were the oldest brand on the market and they had the biggest stock in their country.

We then flipped these insights into strategic territories.

We proposed to launch a subscription service and reframe it, from loans to subscriptions. Having the biggest number of shops, gave us an idea to create a truly local tech experience, that involves the local community insights into the marketing strategy. As they are the oldest brand, we wanted to make the experience proudly reflect a truly local culture. And as they had the biggest stock, we wanted to change the overwhelming displays of the items into personalised search options and reframe it around the needs of the customer groups.


We called the vision for their retail experience:
โ€Innovating (their countryโ€™s) everyday.
The goal was to bring truly local experience into their countryโ€™s tech market and to take the everyday shopping experience to the next level.


The vision then got translated into the design principles that went into the brief for the design of the store.


๐Ÿ‘ They have built the largest tech flagship in that region.

๐Ÿ‘ They are testing this store, to then apply this strategy to the whole retail chain.

๐Ÿ‘ D&P got hired to not only design this flagship, but also to work on their HQ.

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