Client: KJ Tait
Agency: Earth Strategies →
Role: Brand designer

Visualising carbon-reducing philosophy for building engineers.

Client’s background.

KJ Tait is a professional practice of Building Services Engineers. They target low carbon design and where possible deliver zero carbon buildings. Their team has expertise in energy modelling and work on developing energy compliance, calculating running costs and estimating carbon consumption.

Business problem

They have been on the market for a while, but needed a brand revamp that would better communicate their services.

The world of sustainable engineering is incredibly complex, so they needed a visual ientity that could better communicate their moto: “Closing the performance gap in buildings”.


After carefully studying their services and conducting the market research we stopped on the following framing:

Functionally, a building is an accumulation of many different processes.
They are:
- Designed by architects
- Constructed by contractors
- Managed by operational third parties
- Occupied by individuals

Building’s design, construction, management and its occupants create a partnership that contributes to building’s overall performance.

However very often this partnership is forgotten and with it the understanding that the building impacts its inhabitant internally and the environment it occupies externally.

At KJ Tait, they are closing the gap between these processes and people involved, so that they can create buildings that perform for its inhabitants and the planet.


The project involved a new design philosophy, website redesign and their social media design.